Rocky Mountain
Youth Corps
Thanks for your interest
Every day at the Corps, we work together to pave the way for a brighter future for the leaders and change makers in our community. We are working to build a stronger pathway for the youth and young adults who want to make a difference in their lives and be their best selves. Collectively, we are working to build an environment where youth value community and community value youth.
Through our programming, we are committed to provide opportunities to youth and young adults from all walks of life, from all neighborhoods, with vast diversity in life experiences, cultural background, and levels of education. We strive to build a diverse Corps community where we learn from each other and bring talents and experiences through a positive learning environment. Through our trainings, we hope to impart the vast opportunities youth and young adults have around them, provide them with support and direction, and point them down a path they are excited to explore. Through our community engagement, we partner with like-minded agencies and allies to build upon our collective knowledge to create a system that empowers growth and fosters learning.
I hope you find what you are looking for and if I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.
In service,

Ben Thomas, Executive Director

A gallery of images from the early days of RMYC
RMYC History
RMYC was founded in 1995 by a group of dedicated parents and community leaders who recognized the cultural and economic challenges within New Mexico’s communities. Traditional communities were being gentrified, youth were abusing substances, and the natural environment was being neglected. This group of parents and leaders developed a model for youth development that combined life skills training and on-job-experiences with community service. Using the example of the Civilian Conservation Corps from the 1930s, the founders started RMYC with a modest grant, designed a curriculum for youth workforce development, and engaged potential partners. Soon, the first crew restored a public park in Questa, New Mexico. Since its founding, RMYC engages about 200 Corpsmembers per year with 20 full-time employees who work with all levels of government, schools, community organizations and businesses to deliver the Program to communities across northern and central New Mexico.
Here is a quick look at our budget for the 2023-2024 program year.
See the FY 2022 990 and the FY 21-22 Audit.

“I’ve actually never felt so comfortable with a group of people, with my crew and other crews and the Corps itself. We all came together to get these projects done, it was the most humbling experience that I never could have expected.”
— Jesse
RMYC Crew Member